Channel: David Levitz
Category: Entertainment
Tags: rantdnlevitzrupauls drag race s9e11recaprucapreviewrupauls drag race season 9 episode 11enteratinment criticruviewdavidrupauls drag race season 9gaygayest ball everrpdr s9e11ru paullevitzreactioncirclenostarrupaullgbtqtv commentaryrupauls drag racetv criticdavid's vlogdavidlevitzrupauls drag race s09e11rupauls drag race 9x11lgbt
Description: Any RuPaul's Drag Race fans out there? Today I spill hot tea, hot takes, HOT TUCK TAPES about RPDR Season 9 Episode 11, GAYEST BALL EVER!!! I hope you enjoyed this RuPaul's Drag Race review (RuView? Rucap? Ruaction?), these Ru recaps are super fun for me to make! As always, please leave a comment letting me know your opinions about Drag Race S9E11 and which drag queen contestant you're rooting for on #DragRaceSeason9. As of now, I am #TeamTrinityTaylor. OUTRO SONG - "There's My Heart": Sung by me, written by Joey Contreras: Follow me on Twitter! Follow me on Instagram! Like my Facebook Page! Follow my blog on Tumblr! if you're reading this, let me know what else you'd like to see on this channel moving forward - season 9 is going to be over before we know it! New episodes of HOT TUCK TAPES on this channel every Saturday. Watch RuPaul's Drag Race Fridays at 8 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. CT on Vh1 - encore broadcast on Logo. Watch Untucked on World of Wonder's YouTube channel, WOWPresents, Saturday mornings. Watch bonus content on peace and love :)